Recreational Dance Programs

Recreational Programs are for students who are interested in learning more about dance.
These classes are run in a similar fashion to mainstream dance studios, but with the necessary modifications built in for each individual. AAA prides themselves on offering excellent individualised programs.

Sensory &
Creative Dance
Move to the beat
AAA’s Sensory and Creative Dance has been designed for dancers who move to the beat of their own drum. In this program, teachers step into their world and explore concepts of movement, rhythm, and expression through dance and sensory activities. This class is grounded in warm and familiar routines and is often based around different themes.

keep up with the tempo
This class is for kids between the age of 6 and 10 years old. Kidz Dance is a fun-filled introduction to dance filled with activities designed to develop dancer’s physical skills (including gross motor and fine motor coordination, strength, balance and stamina), communication skills, memory skills, rhythm and musicality, self-expression and independence. Dancers in this class are invited to participate in the annual dance concert.

Teen &
Tween Dance
groove to the ryhthm
Teen & Tween Dance is aimed at dancers between 11 and 15 years old. This class builds upon the foundations established in AAA Kidz and introduces more complicated technical skills and builds upon other skills such as hand-eye coordination and turn taking. In this class, dancers are introduced to new activities such as obstacle courses and how to choreograph dances. Teen & Tweens are invited to participate in the annual dance concert.

Dance with the melody
AAA Adults has been designed for dancers aged 16+. It builds upon the previously learned skills, and introduces new expectations and activities. In this class, dancers are challenged on their memory skills and their independence. They are also introduced to a variety of different styles of dance. In AAA Adults, teachers encourage students self-expression and promote their ideas in choreography. Adults are invited to participate in the annual dance concert.
Free trial classes
We know how much fun our dance classes are, but don't take our word for it, try it for yourself with a free trial class
Enrol Now

Talk to us.
We believe in a collaborative approach and aim to work with our participants and their circle of support to design programs to fit their personal goals. So get in contact today to become apart of the All Abilities Australia Community.